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001-SMHM: A New Non-Invasive Genetic Survey Technique for the Endangered Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse
002-SMHM: A Bigger Picture of a Tiny Critter: A Range-Wide Assessment of the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse
003-SMHM: Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse Home Range and Habitat Selection in Managed and Tidal Wetlands of Suisun Marsh: Implications for Endangered Species Conservation and Management
004-SMHM: Development of a Morphological Key for the Southern Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse using Genetically Verified Individuals
005-SMHM: Pathogens and Ectoparasites of Salt Marsh Harvest Mice (Reithrodontomys Raviventris Halicoetes) in Suisun Marsh
006-FB: Lamprey Populations in California’s Central Valley: Genetic Analysis of a Multispecies Complex
007-FB: Clear Water but Murky Understanding: Investigating the Decline of Tule Perch in the Northern SFE
008-FWL: The Review of Science of Non-Native Species in a Dynamic Delta
009-FWL: Managed Floodplain Fish Food: Bringing Dry-Side Food Webs to Wet-Side Fish
010-FWL: High Primary Production in Seasonally Managed Wetlands of Suisun Marsh
011-FT: Modeling Franks Tract Futures: Quantifying Diverse Stakeholder Interests
012-FT: Project Evaluation with Structured Decision Making and Map-Based Surveys
013-FT: Co-Design and Franks Tract Futures
014-FT: Franks Tract Futures Reimagined, Habitat Restoration in a Novel Ecosystem
015-M: Automating the Drudgery: Using Artificial Intelligence to Detect Trash and Tobacco Product Waste
016-M: A Path Forward for Environmental DNA Methods in the Bay-Delta
017-M: Taking Stock of the “monitoring Enterprise” to Support Adaptive Management of the Delta
018-SB: (*IEP) Investigation of a Potential Mortality Hotspot for Juvenile Chinook Salmon
019-SB: American River Chinook Salmon Survival in Relation to Redd Water Quality: The Role of Spatial and Temporal Variability
020-SB: Targeted Application of 3D Routing in a Full-Delta PTM
021-SB: Validating Feature Level Habitat Use with Acoustic Telemetry: 2-Dimensional Positioning Capabilities of Vemco V3 Tags and HR3 Receivers
022-SB: Understanding the Impacts of Floodplain Availability on Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha)
023-OB: Experimental Contrasts among Otolith, Histological, and Genetic Indicators of Growth and Condition for Critically Endangered Delta Smelt (Hypomesus Transpacificus)
026-OB: (*IEP) Improving the Longfin Smelt Larviculture Protocol: Responses of the Early Life Stages of Longfin Smelt to Temperature, Salinity, and Turbidity
027-WQ: Copy Number Variation of Mutated Ace-1 Gene Involved in Pesticide Resistance in Hyalella Azteca Within the Cache Slough Complex
028-WQ: Identifying Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Toxins in Delta Invertebrates: Implications for Native Species and Human Health
029-WF: Elevated Mercury Exposure in Raccoons and Striped Skunks from Suisun Marsh
030-WF: Tidal Habitat Restoration at Lower Yolo Ranch
031-WF: Mercury Trends in Seasonal Wetlands of the Los Banos Wildlife Area
032-WF: (*IEP) Sources and Sinks! What’s Going on with Mercury in Sacramento Valley Tidal Wetlands?
033-WF: Tracking the Course of a New Restoration: Initial Observations from the Montezuma Wetlands Complex
034-WF: Implementation of Multi-Benefit Juvenile Salmonid Habitat Restoration on the Lower Yuba River: The Hallwood Side Channel and Floodplain Restoration Project